Your gift today sends the Gospel to 50 of the hardest-to-reach nations on earth. We’re believing God to expand our reach right now to lead 250,000 people to Christ in these tough places. And every gift given between now and December 31—up to $500,000—will help meet a matching challenge!

Suggested Amounts

If you prefer to send your gift by mail, please make check payable to “Luis Palau Association" and send to:

Luis Palau Association
PO Box 50 | Portland, OR 97207

Make sure it is postmarked no later than December 31
to qualify for the matching challenge.
 You can also call in your gift at (888) 877-5847

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
GivingFuel Fundraising Software